Kashubian Dishes

'Pierogi' with cabbage and mushrooms
Dough: 1 kg flour, 1 egg, hot water, salt
Stuffing: Sauerkraut, mushrooms, onion, salt

Jelly Pork
1 pork head, 1 pork leg, 2 pork feet, 4 bay leaves, salt, pepper, vinegar, allspice.
Potatoes with mushrooms
2 kg potatoes, 1 kg mushrooms, sweet cream ¼ l, 12-20 dag smoked and fresh bacon, salt, pepper, dill
'Golce' - potato dumplings
1 kg of boiled potatoes, 1 kg of grated fresh potatoes, 1kg of friction, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of flour, bacon to 'okrasa', onion, pepper, salt.
Potato dumplings with plums
50 dag boiled potatoes, 20 dkg flour, 2 tablespoons of potato flour, 1 egg, 1 yolk, salt, plum
1 kg grate potatoes, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sprinkling flour, salt and sugar according to your taste, oil
Kashubian Bowel
2 kg of potatoes, 10 dag buckwheat, 5 eggs, 0.5 kilograms bacon, 4 onions, bay leaf, allspice, pepper, salt.
Chicken broth
Rural chicken, 3 liters of water, spices, 1 onion, parsley, pepper, salt.
Stuffed Chicken
1 large chicken, 5 dag raisins 3 teaspoons of red Vegeta (ready spices), bay leaf, allspice, salt
Floods: 1 liter of boiled water, 1 tablespoon Vegeta (vinegar, salt to taste), 6 teaspoons gelatin
Kashubian Przypalanka
Served for many years to celebrate Christmas, birthdays and weddings
Ingredients: 25 dkg of sugar, a quarter liter of spirit, a quarter liter of water, 4 grains of pimento.